Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday, Kahlen!

Wow, my little girl turned four today!
Kahlen, you have grown so much in the last year. You got to do so many fun things: go to the zoo, the museum, camping three times, and be the flower girl in your aunt’s wedding. You got your ears pierced on your half birthday and gave up your paci at the same time. You learned a lot too, both in school and in life. You’re getting better at cooking and love helping me in the kitchen. In school, you’ve learned 12 bible verses, all your upper and lower case letters, and had fun too. You love playing with your friends. You *love* your kitty, Stratus. You are shy around people, but will jump into just about any activity. You make your brother laugh and love playing with him too. I love you, little monkey!
Here's last year's birthday post
And the year before

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