Saturday, December 10, 2011

SOAP–Luke 5–Withdraw to Pray

Luke with MomsToolbox

Scripture: Luke 5:16

But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.


When Jesus got overwhelmed by his followers, he would withdraw. He put a priority on getting away to pray to his Father.


Before life gets crazy, and everything else gets in the way, I need to put that same priority on prayer and spend time with my Father. I have a good thing going on Monday mornings with some friends; we get together at a coffee shop at 6 am just to pray for our kids and our week. We pray individually, but meet up so we have some accountability. Now to make that more than once a week…


Father, thank you that you desire to spend individual time with me. Thank you for the example of Jesus and that he put a priority on spending time with You. I ask that you would help me make good decisions in this area and choose to spend time in prayer instead of other things that I could be doing, other distractions that pull at my attentions and my time. Amen.


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