Friday, December 16, 2011

Countdown to Christmas–Day 15


Yesterday for our Advent activities, we were supposed to go to library storytime, but I forgot when I scheduled that one that I had a dentist appointment. Right. So we swapped today and yesterday.

Kahlen started coloring this beautiful Nativity Stained Glass coloring book that Nana got for her. There are 15 pages that are perforated for easy removal that are printed on vellum so you can hang them up after they’re colored. She’s used crayons on the ones she’s done so far, and they’re very pretty. If we have time (meaning if I have energy), we’ll do some with a different media, like water color crayons, next week.


2011-12-15 Nativity Coloring Book (1)2011-12-15 Nativity Coloring Book (2)

She cracks me up. She had to go find a storybook that we have to determine what color she was going to color everything. Her creativity is so like mine, it’s scary. If it’s something that someone else has done before, like coloring, it has to be the same. If not, though, like making jewelry with her pop beads, there’s no limits on what she can make! Goofy girl…


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