Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday (on Tuesday) - Green

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

This week, the theme is Green at Muffin Tin Monday.
Monday was my hubby's birthday so we surprised him at work for lunch. Needless to say, we did not end up doing our MTM at his work :)
So, instead, we did Muffin Tin Tuesday this week.

Here's our tin:
I tried to use shamrock paper liners this week but they didn't really hold up. Oh well, it was a good try.
Top row: Edamame, Green Beans
Middle row: Green Yogurt, Celery, Lime Jello
Bottom row: Wacky Mac green noodles
M&M's are sprinkled around the plate as well.
Her lunch was pretty much devoured, except for a few green beans, a piece of celery, and she had to have some of her brother's peas, which of course she didn't eat.

I was going to do mini muffin tin lunch for the little man, but my avocado had turned :( He had green beans mixed with sweet potatoes (didn't really look very green) and whole peas, which he LOVED. So I had moderate success, I guess.


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