Friday, February 26, 2010

stART - Froggy Goes to the Doctor

Each Thursday A Mommy's Adventures does a great blog carnival. You read a story to your child; then accompany it by art. 

We're still doing the Doctor unit from Hubbard's Cupboard. Today we focused on doctor's tools.
Our story was Froggy Goes to the Doctor by Jonathan London.
There are a few things that I don't appreciate about the froggy books, like the mom (or dad) yelling to froggy, and froggy responding "Whaaaat?" I don't want my children to respond like that to me, so I usually try to use a different tone of voice than what is clearly meant by the author. Other than that, I like them and so does Kahlen, so we'll keep reading them.

For our activity, we used this set of Doctor Tools and Parts of the Body from Hubbard's Cupboard. To make it a little longer, I decided to glue them onto a piece of easel paper that I taped to the wall. I then gave Kahlen the glue stick and the set of body part cards and let her glue them on however she wanted.

So Kahlen's personality to line them all up instead of just sticking them wherever :)

While she was doing that, I put a roll of masking tape on the back of each of the doctor tool cards. Then she matched them up. We had to talk about a few of them, but after reading Froggy Goes to the Doctor and remembering her own experiences, she did really well.
After she got them all stuck on, I drew a D in pencil and tried to get her to trace mine. Of course, she didn't want to, she wanted to do her own. So, she drew a D with her marker. I think it looks great!



Ticia said...

It does look pretty good. Fun project.

Rebecca said...

Cute idea!