Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crafty Wednesday - Bathtub painting

Didn't do much in the way of mommy crafts this week. I did buy a new computer program for my Cricut, but I have yet to use it.
In the mean time, here's what Kahlen did today. Found this recipe on a blog somewhere (sorry, can't find where!), it was really easy and really fun.

1-3 tablespoons cornstarch, depending on desired consistency. I used more rather than less.
1/3 cup dish soap (I used Dawn 'cause that's what I have)
food coloring

Mix together and enjoy!
I used my "muffin" trays that I got from Oriental Trading Company, they come in a pack of a dozen and have SO many uses that I'm glad I have a dozen!
Here's what Kahlen thought of it:
I didn't get any pictures of what she did with it after she was done painting on the wall. She then proceeded to paint herself and swim around in the colored water before I washed her off with the shower. It entertained her for about 40 minutes, long enough for me to do my hair and fold the laundry :) It was surprisingly easy to clean up too, just sprayed it down with the showerhead and it was clean!


1 comment:

Larry said...

Kahlen has a good mommy!