Monday, April 12, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Rainbow

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

This week at Muffin Tin Monday the theme was Rainbow to finish up our color series. I tried to make rainbow cupcakes that I found from another MTM participant, but they were a major fail (more on that for the Friday Fail meme), bummer!

Here's our rainbow dinner:
Back row: Ketsup for chicken nuggets, shredded cheddar cheese, applesauce
Front row: Edamame, blue wrapped chocolate and purple jelly beans from Easter

Not as big of a hit this week, but mostly because daddy got home when she wasn't quite finished and she wanted to help him with the bbq grill. ;)

Next week's theme is Leftovers Rock! Hope you can join us!



Tiffiny said...

We had Mickey Nuggets too! :)

Unknown said...

Nice ti! It is hard when things are distracting away from the meal.