Monday, April 26, 2010

Tiny Tot School - 10 Months

Tot School
Nathanael is 10 months old

10 months feels dangerously close to 1 year! My little man is officially mobile now. He's not exactly army crawling, but something close to it. He can definitely get to where he wants to go now:

Here are a few of his favorite things:
Learning how to drink from a cup.

Playing with friends.

Dumping things.

Riding in the wagon.

And of course, eating, eating, eating! Now, not only does he eat at least 1 jar of baby food per meal (3 times a day), he also eats about a cup of finger food. Whether it's toast strips, tofu cubes, string cheese, noodles, edamame, scrambled eggs, name it, he'll eat it. I keep expecting him to grow a whole bunch overnight because all he wants to do is eat!!


1 comment:

Shonda said...

Oh, how cute! My little guy will be 17 months old tomorrow and so remember 10 months. So fun!