Sunday, April 3, 2011

Preschool Corner / Raising Rock Stars Preschool – U is for Umbrella

preschool corner

Kahlen is 4 years, 3 months

We were a bit disorganized this week due to lack of motivation on my part, but we got through most of our planned activities. It’s getting harder with the weather warming up and little brother not napping as much in the morning.

Uu Plan Sheet


“Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks” ~ Psalm 75:1

2011-03-28 U Day 1 (1) Cutting out and taping her long verse2011-03-28 U Day 1 (4) Measuring it on her head like a crown

2011-03-28 U Day 1 (5)A craft left over from last week’s J unit, oops :) On the front it says “Who is the way, the truth and the life?” and has a door knob. You then staple (or whatever) to the paper with Jesus on it that has our verse from last week.

2011-03-28 U Day 1 (6)Coloring her verse. She started out scribbling on it, and I talked to her about not being foolish and not being a baby. She is four years old and knows how to color better than that. So the boy is scribbled, and the girl is perfectly like the example :)

 2011-04-01 U Day 4 (3)Tracing U’s

IMG_7199Her cut out vocabulary cards. The other vocab cards are on the back. I didn’t get pictures of her cutting this time, but she does a great job! She then made a star out of the scraps:

  2011-04-01 U Day 4 (4)


This week, our theme was U is for Umbrella. The week started out with a hail / rain storm that was perfect for using her new umbrella and rain boots in (Yes, we waited until the hail stopped!).

2011-03-29 U Day 2 (2)Counting Raindrops 2011-03-30 U Day 3 (1) 2011-03-30 U Day 3 (2)Color by number (Jeez, you’d never know she went through a looooong time of me not wanting to take her picture. ever.)

 2011-03-30 U Day 3 (5)Do-a-dot pages 2011-04-01 U Day 4 (1) 2011-04-01 U Day 4 (2)Umbrella patterning

Photobucket  We did a drawing page this week, but I have no pictures…


We did a stART project from the book The Umbrella Queen. We also did a bunch of other activities that weren’t really part of “the plan”.

2011-03-29 U Day 2 (1)Found this alphabet maze, and she thought it was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that she did it three times this week AND I created a lowercase one for her to do too. Overall, she does pretty well with her lowercase letters, but there are a few that she has a hard time with, so this is really good practice. 2011-03-30 U Day 3 (4)We used a dot painter for the lower case one, just to mix it up a bit.

We made a rain scene picture that we’ve done before (over a year ago, heehee).2011-03-29 U Day 2 (3)Tracing a bowl for the umbrella. 2011-03-29 U Day 2 (4)Cutting out the umbrella

 2011-03-29 U Day 2 (5)Pulling the cotton balls into clouds.

 2011-03-29 U Day 2 (6)The finished masterpiece, including a picture of her under the umbrella and the letter U to the left of the umbrella2011-03-29 U Day 2 (7)Couldn’t do a craft without a picture of her ;) 

What have you been doing for your preschooler? Come link up at Homeschool Creations! Interested in learning more about my curriculum choices? Check out this post about my plan for the year.


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