Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday–Waffles

During the snow storm we had on Sunday, I made waffles. Lots of waffles. A double batch of Chocolate Chip Buttermilk Waffles. I used this recipe, but I used cinnamon and vanilla as stated in the recipe instead of orange extract and pure lemon. I put chocolate chips on top of the batter before I closed the waffle maker, and ta-da! Chocolate Chip Waffles! I ended up with three gallon bags full of frozen waffles. I’m hoping they last more than a week, but with my kids (and hubby), you never know…Shane alone can eat almost a whole one for breakfast!

2013-02-24 Chocolate Chip Waffles (3)2013-02-24 Chocolate Chip Waffles (2)



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