Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hello December!

And I thought my life was busy before! Enter December. The “slow down so you can meditate on Christmas while at the same time decorate your house, teach your kids regular school plus advent activities, holiday parties, shopping for presents, making presents like matching pajamas for all the kids and super cute yet complicated Christmas cards, celebrating my only daughter’s birthday, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera” month. Yup. That’s about the size of it. So, while I’d really really like to get “caught up” on tot school posts, weekly wrap-ups for first grade, and book reviews, not to mention wordless Wednesday, Tasty Tuesday, and Menu Plan Monday, it’s not likely to happen this month. I’m hoping at least to get a few things posted, but we’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, hope you are having a great season so far, as we are, despite the busyness!

2012-12-09 Christmas Card Joke 1(Okay, this picture is totally staged, but you get the idea…)


2012-12-08 Shane with rags (7)2012-12-03 Tot School Snowmen (20)2012-11-28 Elepho Furry Giraffe (3)


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