Monday, February 22, 2010

stART - Eyes, Nose, Fingers, Toes

Each Thursday A Mommy's Adventures does a great blog carnival. You read a story to your child; then accompany it by art.

Our second book this week was Eyes, Nose, Fingers, Toes by Judy Hindley. Fun book, great pictures, and simple words made this one a hit. Kahlen was having the sort of day where this was perfect. After the story, we traced her body onto a long piece of paper (sorry, can't take a picture and trace at the same time).
I tried to get her to color it, but she wasn't interested, so she directed me and I drew her face. Then we used band-aids to measure different parts of her body. We measured her arm, leg, and torso. 

We started on the floor, but quickly moved to the wall in the hall instead because it was much easier. 

It's pretty tricky to get a picture of something hanging in the hall, but here's my attempt at capturing the finished product:
And there's our second stART project for the week


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