Monday, May 2, 2011

Book Review - The Dragon and the Turtle Go on Safari

When we first read this story, The Dragon and the Turtle Go On Safari by Donita K Paul and Evangeline Denmark, I honestly didn’t like it that much. However, we’ve read it several times since then AND loaned it to a friend, and it has grown on me.

The story is about two friends, Padrig the Dragon and Roger the Turtle who are having a campout in their backyard-I-mean-Mount Sillymanborrow. The boys imagine wild animals for every noise and speak as if they’re English explorers. In the end, they overcome their fears and help a poor kitten-er-leopard who got stuck in a tree.

The things that I liked about this story were the imagination that they both showed and the courage it took to face their fears in the middle of the night. The pictures are well illustrated and the use of language is fun.

Really, I think the reason I didn’t love the book at first was because it’s a little above my four-year-old’s head at the moment. She doesn’t play pretend like that yet, but I think she will in another year or two.

I also felt like the ending was rather abrupt. After all that, their adventures are just over. It’s morning, they succeeded in their quest to spend the night outside. The End. Could have been smoother, in my opinion.

At the back of the book, there were two additional things. The first was another shorter story entitled “The legend of Mount Sillymanborrow” which was cute too. The second was more practical; a discussion guide for the book relating to the biblical truth in Deuteronomy 31:6 - “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid…God goes with you; he will never leave you.” Using this verse and the discussion questions was very helpful in connecting the story with real life for us.

After reading it many many times now and really thinking about it, I give this book 4 stars. I think that the story line was good, the underlying message a great one to discuss with littles, and the pictures held my daughter’s attention (not to mention that of her friend who begged to borrow it. He’s almost 5). A nice addition to our library!



It would be a great help to me if you would please rate my review. I get the chance to review more books based on my rating, and there are cool contests and such. Thanks!!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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